Omah Gili Hotel

The Best

Travelling To Gili Safely and Comfortable

Travelling To Gili Safely and Comfortable

Gili, a small island in the northwest of Lombok, are not many people know this plac . You can ask some friends or family about Gili. Though the island has become a favorite tourist destination of foreign tourists. Moreover, since Gili be the most affordable tourist...
Exploring the Paradise Island in Gili

Exploring the Paradise Island in Gili

Islands in the eastern Indonesia are still famous as virgin and have not a lot of big changes as well as in Java. The beach was still maintained its authenticity and offers a natural beauty that is able to bewitch anyone. Gili Island in the northwest of the island of...

Current Check ( Mendeteksi Arus)

Sangatlah sulit bagi kita untuk memperkirakan kekuatan arus pada saat menyelam. Biasanya tiap penyelam punya prediksi yang berbeda-beda dalam satu penyelaman. Untuk itu saya menemukan artikel menarik tentang bagaimana memperkirakan kekuatan arus (artikel asli bisa...

Gili Islands is a turtle island

Kalau kita mendengar kata gili mungkin langsung teringat oleh pulau Gili Trawangan. Gili Trawangan berada di Kabupaten Lombok Utara dimana terdiri dari 3 gili yaitu Gili Air, Gili Meno dan Gili Trawangan. Tetapi dengan majunya pariwisata maka Gili Trawangan lebih...
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